Jane Hamill | Podcast

What Do I Talk About On My Blog



Last week I talked about whether or not you need a blog for your business. If you haven't listened yet, I suggest you listen to that one first. You'll find it at https://fashionbrainacademy.com/needablog/. This week, I'm going to talk about 3 strategies that you can use for your e-commerce site that will drive traffic.  There's a lot to tell you. I thought I’d keep it simple though. Instead of giving a list of 27 things to write about and risk confusing you even more, I’m going to give you specific examples of strategies you can use ASAP.   3 strategies I suggest…  One Pillar post per month surrounded by supporting bite-sized posts. Buckets of content 3) The simplest formulaic approach EVER...Weekly Q&A, Have a listen... www.fashionbrainacademy.com/talkabout