Fit Dad Nation

132 - Why and How To Train With Purpose



There is something to be said for showing up to the gym when you don't want to. There is something to be said for checking off the "I did something healthy" boxes each day too. And once in a while that's fine. But it doesn't work long-term and here's why. Doing the bare minimum in the gym (or anywhere else) is never going to give you great results. If you're fine with that, then OK. If you want amazing results, you have to work hard and work with a purpose. I've seen so many men over the year struggle to make any real progress despite working out, eating sensibly, and taking care of their health. And many times it's nothing more than a lack of real effort in the gym. Sure, food is always going to be #1 when it comes to changing your body, but half-a**ing it in the gym isn't going to build much strength or muscle. It's easy to wander around the gym looking for open machines or to try a random YouTube workout, but it's not going to do much for you. It's also easy to continue to do the same exercises over and ov