Timm Talk

BONUS - Single Artist Movie Soundtracks



Say what now?! In what is easily the largest departure for us so far, we decided to spin a conversation from a recent trip to Disneyland into a bonus episode about our favorite single artist movie soundtracks. What does that even mean? Well give a listen and find out! Intro Music by Ardeshir Adhami Intro SFX by Grant Evans via http://soundbible.com (Soundbible.com) Subscribe and review on iTunes! http://bit.ly/TimmTalk (http://bit.ly/TimmTalk) Follow the podcast on Twitter: https://twitter.com/timmtalkpod (https://twitter.com/timmtalkpod) IG: https://www.instagram.com/timmtalkpod (https://www.instagram.com/timmtalkpod) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/timmtalkpod/ (https://www.facebook.com/timmtalkpod/) Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/timmtalkspotify (https://tinyurl.com/timmtalkspotify) YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/timmtalkyoutube (https://tinyurl.com/timmtalkyoutube) Follow Cameron on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cameron.dexter (https://www.instagram.com/cameron.dexter )and https://ww