Timm Talk

BONUS - Solo: A Star Wars Story



“Everything you heard about me is true.” We’ve embarked on a grand adventure to see Solo: A Star Wars Story and come back looking worse for wear and with some opinions about the latest installment in the Star Wars Universe. So buckle in as we assemble our podcast cohorts, fly you through the hazy space storm of characters, easter eggs, and surprises, and bring you back home again in less than 12 parsecs. Check out our lovely sister podcasts: The Podcast of Two Worlds  https://itun.es/i6728wG (https://itun.es/i6728wG) The Novice and Frank  https://itun.es/i67p9jv (https://itun.es/i67p9jv)   Follow Podcast of Two Worlds on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podcastof2worlds/ (https://www.facebook.com/podcastof2worlds/) Twitter: https://twitter.com/Po2W_Flash (https://twitter.com/Po2W_Flash) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/po2w_flash/ (https://www.instagram.com/po2w_flash/) Follow Novice and Frank on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ComicBookNovice (https://twitter.com/ComicBookNovice) Ins