David Hathaway

Putting faith to the test (Part 2)



Faith is step by step, climbing higher! God can do amazing things! In my life, faith has grown through the trials and tribulations I’ve been through. The more miracles I saw, the more I expected. From my teenage years I had seen some small miracles, but when I was about 21, 22 – pastor of a church in Harrogate – one of my senior men, on whom I depended for support, was found to be terminally ill with bowel cancer. They removed most of his insides and sent him home with a colostomy and a catheter and only 3 weeks to live. The Holy Spirit put in my heart to pray that God would heal him. The miracle was so big, he was totally healed and back in the church. He never died of cancer! So you see, my faith was growing step by step. That’s what Peter is referring to, it’s putting your faith to the test. Sometimes your faith has got to go through a fiery experience in order to prove that it really works.