

Advocating for yourself within the realm of an unrecognized illness is an immense challenge. Advocating for yourself as a minor, with an unrecognized illness, when you are dependent on the adults in your life is the topic of today's episode.Meet Ben S... in addition to navigating adolescence, he faces the daily reality of debilitating GI issues, autoimmune dysfunction, the ebb and flow of chronic Lyme disease, and the continued challenges of finding adequate treatment.Kids often need ongoing permission, resources, and support to advocate for their health. This is a confusing reality when you add in the mental health issues, Lyme rage, and blackouts that often accompany symptoms of neurological Lyme disease and Neuroborrealis.Talking Points:~Fighting multiple autoimmune disorders~Medical PTSD~Using medical marijuana as a minor~Becoming aware of what medications you are taking and why~Conventional vs. alternative treatments~Mental health facilities~When you are "withering away"Sponsors:Envita Medical Center: En