Zion's Finest

Zion's Finest Episode 065 - An Introduction To A Jawa Swarm (and A Discussion of Hondo's Pack)



GENERAL DISCUSSION! This episode was recorded at the conclusion of a (very small) local store championship that was taken home by me, running the Box, with Scott's Vader, Matt's IG, and Robert Moesinger's Jawa Swarm being the other participants. We had a ton of fun and, as I always say, it's better to be lucky than good. We don't really talk about the tournament, though. Instead, we spend our time discussing Robert's very creative Jawa Swarm, followed up with a discussion of the Jabba Pointers list archetype that is making the rounds, as well as the contents of Hondo's pack. I apologize for the background noise. It was recorded on-site, but despite a few noisy nerds nearby, it turned out a-okay. Again! Let me know if you have any organized play results for the Google Doc, we want all the data we can get: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nk10Q5n8Xjr2byvP-7mD5IGdDyVQVqk_BSGuTiz58fM/edit?usp=sharing Thank you for listening! Join us on the Slack Channel by sending an email to zionsfinestia@gmail.com