Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Spooky House Pt1 - Chaos Rains



The wind begins to howl. The old dead trees outside start to tap on the dusty windows of this old mansion. Someone asks, "Why are we here?". Another replies... FOR CONTENT! Another Arbitrary Adventure for you all! Our friend from S House Studio, Alex Cater, wanted to play a spooky game for Halloween and couldn't find enough players. Here at Dire Weasels thought that was a travesty so we FIXED IT AND MADE CONTENT! We hope you enjoy, because it's like rain on your wedding day, it's like a free ride, to a roller-coaster to hell. On this episode of Arbitrary Adventures, we feature Alex Cater, from S House Studios @happypuke, Ben Cook, from Illogical Show, a Star Trek based show, both @thebendcook and @illogicalshow, John, our regular @absurdistKobold, Matt, from GeeklyInc Random Encounters, @punk1290, Travis, find his art and more, @ibplunderin, Jack, find him @Mr_Cynic and his emails he sends to us, and Cody, from stuff, @codedude3. Again, they have character names, but I'm too lazy. If you like what we do here,