Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 70 - Love Shack And A Half



Some people sleep. Some people sleep well. Well enough so you can watch them sleep. Well enough so you can steal their breath. Okay, guy's something is wrong, but it will be okay. Everything will be okay soon. Very soon. We find our weaselest weaseltons in this Gerbo-damned place surrounded by racists... monsterist? surrounded by corn worshipers. How will our party escape when half of them look like freaks and no one wants to lay eyes upon them. Except for Mike, he has a thing for Grimgar. We're still not sure about... Doknoques(?) preference though so he could be into weird stuff. I'm sure he's had enough TIME to figure that out! Damn, I'm super tired. ANYWAY! ROUND 1, escape from CORNHOLE CITY! Ready! FIGHT! We are, and totally will forever be @Direweasels. Currently we are Forrest @walk6070 as your DM, John @absurdistkobold as Doknoques, Ivana @arcanevice as Mike, and Cody @codedude3 as Grimgar. Got any questions or comments that you want us to read on the show? Email us at direweasels@gmail.com. Keep For