Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 57 - Extreme Makeover: Cloud City Edition



While the gang deals with the fallout of Madison jumping through the window back into his recently burnt, currently robot-infested home, Norville decides it's a good opportunity for some unorthodox home remodelling. What sort of shenanigans have they gotten themselves into this time?   (Forrest makes his triumphant return to editing with this episode, having used it as an excuse to hide from his family over the holidays.)   The @DireWeasels are your DM, @walk6070, Mike Bagaducci, @arcanevice, Madison Fairfax, @absurdistkobold, Norville Glimmerbottom (Human Wizard), @chalupabatman27, and Starella Goldstein, @eskimomo9!