Eddie Fabin

Prophetic Turning Point Service, 29.10.2015 - The Kingly Anointing



This message was preached at the Prophetic Turning Point Service at the Qodesh on 29 October, 2015. Take a listen! God has crowned us with glory and honour (Hebrews 2:7). He has also made us kings and princes. We often limit ourselves and operate only in the priestly anointing. It is about time we rose up and operate in the kingly anointing. God's desire for man is that he reigns (Revelation 1:6). You cannot just become a king. You've got to be anointed by God Almighty. Pouring of oil by man is just symbolic. The kingly anointing ushers ordinary people into prominence. It allows people to fulfil their destinies. But it is not just given. You need to be taken through many things. David was on Saul's wanted list. He was pursued by Saul and three thousand men in the wilderness of Engedi and later ended up in a cave. Everyone has a moment of going through the cave before settling in the palace. Joseph had to contend with PPP( the Pit, Potiphar's house, Prison) before becoming the Prime Ministe