Tara Simkins

Ep. 16 | Spring Cleaning Part 3 of 3: Can't shake a past regret? Listen + learn why it is so important and HOW TO do it!



Podcast Ep #16: Spring Cleaning Regret + Clearing out the Time and Energy to Believe New Things “The role that I play in my real life matters.” This is why it is the perfect time to clear out our regrets. The seeds that spark our imaginations are a focus of my work these days. Especially after finding myself unable to access my imaginative forces during a five month period at the age of 51. I promised myself that I would continue to nurture the faculty of my imagination and never tell myself again that I was too old, irrelevant, and had made all of the wrong decisions. Instead, I decided to leave all of those thoughts on the shore. They were not the boots that would get me across the water to my next horizon. The other thing that fascinates me about this idea of where we find inspiration and what happens when we follow it is that we become a part of the imaginative cycle. We see someone who has done something we haven’t done, we then allow ourselves to believe it is possible for ourselves, and we take the ins