Tara Simkins

Ep. 15 | Spring Cleaning our Minds and Hearts of Resentment



This week on the podcast, we have a treat for you! I like to think of it as a little Spring cleaning for the mind and soul. I am going to walk you through a quick tapping meditation specifically designed to help you release a past resentment. What??? Yep. We dive straight into the work. No background or build-up. (Listen to last week’s podcast for the 411 on tapping and how it is one of my favorite tools to help us release old thought and emotional patterns so that we may move on to creating new possibilities in our lives.) When you are finished, you are going to feel a shift in your head, your heart, your body, and your soul. A shift that gives you a taste of freedom from your story about what has been done to you or what you may have done to someone else. A shift that will release the mental and emotional energy you currently have focused on keeping someone “on the hook,” even if that someone is you. You know what I am talking about ~ that imaginary hook that you think you need to hold out for someone. The