Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

The Devotion Circuit – 03.29.12



Student Question:  I felt your teaching tonight was very appropriate.  I have been thinking a lot this week about a question which I have always had with Christianity.  Even though I know it is a very devotional religion, I have never had that kind of experience with it.  Ironically, it was this week sometime that I was listening to one of those gospel songs and all of a sudden I just broke out in tears.  The closest thing that I could put it to was this feeling of being saved by Christ or God, but it was this very strong feeling of sin having been taken away by another.  I know I have heard you speak in the past about how certain religions have niches or specializations or accentuations in certain areas more then others and I have just wanted to know where this fits in and what its value is?   I think you kind of spoke to that tonight in how it can be used as a stepping stone and not as a hindrance.