Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

One Without a Second – 02.02.12



Excerpt:  "The unsurpassed sage Sri Ramana Maharshi has revealed that self-realization is actually a myth…  Who is there to realize the self?  The self is all that is…  Has the self ever been unrealized?   So self-realization doesn’t actually happen….  Take for example that if you have mold on your walls in your home you would probably want to scrub it off… well the ego is kind of like a mold isn’t it?  Growing on the surface of the self…  And so people scrub it off and then what is left is pure awareness… But to that awareness is there ever a wall?  Was there ever a surface?  That’s an illusion only ever held by the illusory mold itself which was never real….  So there are no things; things are an illusion of a mind that objectifies with concepts… Take away the concepts.   No objects - no world - no self… but pure bliss - pure grace - pure awareness – pure supreme power and self-knowledge… but all experienced by the one without a second…"  Recorded on the evening of Thursday, February 02, 2012.