Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

Unconditional Love of the Self – 08.18.11



Excerpt:  “When we are sitting in silence we are in Holy Communion with the Self within that is recognized as Being reflected as the entire manifest cosmos.  And so there is nothing to do just be….  This is a dream and you are the dreamer and so everyone you meet in the dream is an aspect of your Self and so each of us here are reflections of different facets of our own Self….  And so by coming together as a community we discover all those aspects of the inner shadow that we can’t find because it’s repressed but our unconscious turns out to be the world itself and so it is not hidden at all….  And so when we come together in a spiritual community we are doing it in order to learn unconditional love of the Self.  Not the individual self but the one Self….  The worship of God is not the worship of an other it is the worship of the Self…”  Recorded on the evening of Thursday, August 18, 2011.