Your First Thousand Clients With Mitch Russo

Stop Selling The Product, Learn How To Sell The Results With Rob Cornilles



Back in the 90s, all eyes were on the Lakers when it came to basketball in the state of Los Angeles. The Clippers? No one would buy a ticket for a game back then. But what if you focus on the results rather than the product? Will people buy? That is what Rob Cornilles did. He looked beyond the tickets and sold something people wanted. Do you want to see Jordan again? Watch a Clippers game. He focused on selling the results. Join your host Mitch Russo as he quizzes Rob on results-centered selling. Rob is the CEO Game Face Inc. He believes that focusing on what your product can do for your clients is the most important thing when it comes to selling. Join in to learn more!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join Your First Thousand Clients Community today:mitchrusso.comMitch Russo LinkedIn