Your First Thousand Clients With Mitch Russo

238: Finding Your Why Behind Everything With Dr. Gary Sanchez



What is your “why” behind everything? You may know what you’re doing and how you’re doing it, but WHY are you doing it? Knowing your “why” sets you apart from everyone else. It helps you articulate what you believe in and attract your ideal clients, those who have the same beliefs as you. Mitch Russo’s guest today is Dr. Gary Sanchez, the Founder of the Why Institute. In this episode, Dr. Gary is going to show you how you can use your why to explode your revenue, perfect your culture, and resonate with more people more quickly. Dive in and discover what your “why” is behind everything that you do!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join Your First Thousand Clients Community today:mitchrusso.comMitch Russo LinkedIn