Out Of The Box With Christine

The Micro Podcast on Podcasting: Episode 6 - Theme Music and Introduction #HowToCreateAPodcast



So you wanna be a Podcaster. Sweet! It's a wonderful and creative way for you to reach a very large audience with your unique expertise and gifts. In this episode of The Micro Podcast on Podcasting we are diving into how to find that perfect piece of music to open your Podcast with. Some call it theme music, others call it opening music. Whatever you want to call it - this is an important step in the process of creating your Podcast. Matching the perfect tune to your show is like finding your soul mate. It can seem elusive at times but when you find the exact right fit - you will know it. Be careful not to have something too jarring or overly modulated as you don't want to scare away listeners. The type of music you choose is up to you and it should reflect not only your show's genre or theme but you as a host as well. That said, here is a great resource I use when choosing my theme music. It's called SHUTTERSTOCK https://shutterstock.7eer.net/c/1273442/42912/1305 You can pick from thousands of pos