Facing The Grey Tide Podcast

Facing The Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 59: TYRANID CODEX REVIEW: Part 1



What is up Everyone? Evan, Bryan, and Chandler join forces to start the epic Tyranid Codex Review.  It is almost Thanksgiving, and the Nid Players are Thankful for a great bounty of possible options in this new codex.  The guys sit down to start off this review by going through the Hive Fleet adaptations, the Stratagems, and to start the discussion on what we think of the Warlord Traits and some fun synergies.  We also start to discuss possible list building, because there has been a ton of list being sent over the FTGT Communication Array.  Bryan is finishing up some painting for Renegade, Evan and Chandler are both back from Warzone, but the only thing on the collective Hive Mind are the New and Improved Bugs.       ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY SPORELORD! Don't forget to check out our sponsors!     Dice Head Games and Comics - Official Hobby Supplier of FTGT Painting and FTGT Podcast Table War Designs - The Only Place for F.A.T. Mats and Macro Mats FTGT Podcast on Patreon Don't forget, we are also on iTunes and Go