Facing The Grey Tide Podcast

Facing The Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 42: NOVA with Phil



What is up Everyone? This week on the Podcast, the boys welcome in Phil R. who is the co leader of the Warhammer 40K GT and Warhammer Invitational Tournament at the NOVA Open.  He stops by to give us some knowledge on the Tournament, some of the rules and mission setup, as well as break down some of the cool hobby, tournament, and little tid-bits of information that could help you have a great weekend at a spectacular event.  The NOVA Open runs Labor Day Weekend September 1st - 4th, and if you need any additional updates see the show notes below.     Phil joins us with plenty of knowledge towards the two big events.   Don't forget, we are also on iTunes at Facing the Grey Tide Podcast.  Subscribe, Rate, and Review to help us improve the show.   NOVA OPEN   NOVA Registration   NOVA OPEN 40K Events       Please email any and all questions to anyone on the contacts page of the Website and we will get back to you in an email or in the podcast.   Intro and Exit Provided by Donnie Drost, Angry Ophelia's Song