Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

Looking at Trauma: Cognitive Shifts



Overview: Following traumatic events, many people experience changes in beliefs about themselves, the world, and others. In fact, there are a number of different thoughts related to these beliefs that then go on to impact the way we feel, act, and think. In turn, the reshaped beliefs following a trauma become more confirmed and reinforced. This can then contribute to notable changes in our lives – particularly in conjunction with the other three clusters of PTSD that we have looked at in our mini series. We explore the ways that this occurs along with several of the most common changes in thought patterns that accompany posttraumatic stress disorder. What We’ll Learn: We learn about the ways that our cognitions or thinking patterns impact the way we not only think, but also feel and behave. In particular, we look at some of the ways that these thinking distortions contribute to the experiences we see in people who struggle with PTSD and also the most common ways that these patterns can be disruptive in our li