Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

Understanding Disruptions



Overview: Today, we take a look at the ways that disruptions in our lives leave an impact. In particular, we notice the ways this can help us as we make changes but we also explore how this can leave us paralyzed, stuck, and repeating the same cycles over and over again. Finally, we look at some tools to get ourselves unstuck and moving forward. What We Will Learn:  We explore the ways that our physiology changes in response to major changes, whether positive or more difficult, along with the cognitive and emotional impact of these in our everyday lives. We also uncover the evolutionary reasons for these kinds of reactions. We wrap up the episode with some ways to counteract these effects so we can get back on track and begin to reshape our lives. In addition, we investigate the role of Mindfulness, Reiki, and the parasympathetic nervous system in this process. This way, we can begin to move in the direction we want our lives to lead. Resources Mentioned: https://chrysalispsychoth