Being Heard

Ruth Poundwhite: Being an Introvert and Doing Things That Scare You



"When I first had the idea [to create a podcast], I saw it as an idea that I had that I would never, ever do. So the fact that I've done it, and am doing it, it's shown me that I can be scared and still do it anyway." My guest this week is a woman who, like me, describes herself as "one of the quiet ones". She is a freelance writer, online business owner, creative business mentor and host of the Creatively Human podcast. Ruth Poundwhite started her business after leaving university but, as an introvert, she consciously avoided sharing anything of herself with that community. Fast forward ten years and in 2018 she felt "an itch to do something more of myself, my face and my voice." And I for one, am so glad that she did. Listening to Ruth's podcast conversations with other creatives and the deeper side of business, along with her solo episodes, has opened my eyes to the reality that sharing more of ourselves doesn't make us weak. Just because it's scary doesn't mean we should hide away and be afraid for anyone