Do The Work

A Journey of A Million Steps | 010



In this episode of Do the Work with AZ and Carla, the couple share how working through an enormous business loss taught them a lot about who they were as individuals and the roles that ensued. People may want what they have but they don't realize the trials, tribulations and sacrifice it took to reach their level of success. It's only fun and games until someone gets their ass tattooed. ________________________ Welcome to the DO THE WORK podcast. Each week we will bring you the foundational principles needed to navigate through the obstacles and opportunities of life. We are vulnerable and raw in every episode. We never sugarcoat what it takes to take control of your life and live a life worth living. We share with you our successes and our defeats. We unpack how we have mastered prosperity in business and beyond. We share the lessons and stories of the journey we have been on and we demystify the journeys we are embarking on now. From business to personal, the DO THE WORK podcast covers it all. To learn more