Gluten Free Rn

21 Important Facts About Celiac Disease EP033



There are a number of misconceptions about celiac disease, even within the medical community! Despite a growing body of research to the contrary, many practitioners still believe celiac disease to be strictly a gastrointestinal issue with a just a few tell-tale symptoms. It’s time to get the facts, and today the Gluten Free RN shares 21 important truths about celiac disease that you need to know.  Nadine shares her take on the list compiled by Gluten Free Works, covering the truth about who is at risk, the wide variety of neurological symptoms a celiac patient might present, and the components of an optimal treatment plan. As the most common genetic autoimmune disease in the world, it is incredibly important that we understand how gluten exposure can damage the intestines and cause debilitating nutrient deficiencies.  Nadine also explains why celiac disease often goes undiagnosed and how an astute practitioner is able to accurately interpret biopsies, antibody screenings and lab work. Get familiar with these