Gluten Free Rn

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and Celiac Disease EP030



Nobody wants bad bacteria, parasites, yeast or food particles hanging around their small intestine! There are a number of causes of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and undiagnosed celiac disease just happens to be one of them. The Gluten Free RN is prepared to discuss the complexity of health issues celiac patients must resolve after going on a gluten free diet, one of which may be SIBO. She shares the symptoms of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, how we test for SIBO, and potential treatments for the condition. Listen in to learn how foods and medication affect the microbiome and alter the environment of your intestines. What’s Discussed: The complexity of healing once a celiac patient goes gluten free Very rarely does diet change heal all associated disorders Other issues like SIBO must be treated once intestines heal The causes of irritable bowel syndrome Thought to be caused by stress Studies now show food poisoning may be trigger How food, drink and medication affect your intestin