Gluten Free Rn

Emergency Preparedness with Nutrient Dense Foods EP015



It’s not a matter of if, but rather when you will encounter an emergency situation. And if you suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance, it is incredibly important that you are prepared with the appropriate supplies you will need to endure a hurricane, earthquake, blizzard, or other disaster.  Nadine teaches you how to stock your cupboards with nutrient dense foods should you need to shelter in place for an extended period of time. She also outlines other essentials you will need to stay alive and assist others who may need help!  What’s Discussed:  Nadine’s experience responding to Hurricane Katrina People were unprepared FEMA provided only cheap filler foods  Why it’s important to stock nutrient dense foods in case of emergency Alleviates stress Allows you to feed yourself for a period of time  Nadine’s list of nutrient dense foods to stock Protein bars Gelatin Jerky (without soy, teriyaki sauce) Canned tuna, sardines Canned chicken, turkey Protein powder Seaweed Nuts Pumpkin seed butter Choco