Ai With Ai

Journey to the Cause of Reason



Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news, including research from the San Diego School of Medicine, which used an AI algorithm to analyze terabytes of gene expression data in response to viral infections, identifying 20 genes that predict the severity of a patient’s response (across many different viruses). Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks announces a new AI and Data Acceleration initiative, which includes operational data teams and flyaway technical experts. China says it has AI fighter jet pilots that can beat human pilots in simulated dogfights. A study from Stanford estimates the density of CCTV cameras in large cities around the globe (by using computer vision algorithms on street view image data). NIST held a workshop on AI Measurement and Evaluation, with an interesting 22-page read-ahead document. Appen updates its State of AI and Machine Learning report, examining various business-related views and metrics on AI, showing a general maturing of the AI market. Researchers from Tubingen and