Ai With Ai

Someday My ‘Nets Will Code



Information about the AI Event Series mentioned in this episode: To RSVP contact Larry Lewis at Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news, including a report on Libya from the UN Security Council’s Panel of Experts, which notes the March 2020 use of the “fully autonomous” Kargu-2 to engage retreating forces; it’s unclear whether any person died in the conflict, and many other important details are missing from the incident. The Biden Administration releases its FY22 DoD Budget, which increases the RDT&E request, including $874M in AI research. NIST proposes an evaluation model for user trust in AI and seeks feedback; the model includes definitions for terms such as reliability and explainability. EleutherAI has provided an open-source version of GPT-3, called GPT-Neo, which uses an 825GB data “Pile” to train, and comes in 1.3B and 2.7B parameter versions. CSET takes a hands-on look at how transformer models such as GPT-3 can aid