Ai With Ai

The Low-Res Valley



In AI news, researchers from the University of Copenhagen develop a machine learning model that estimates the chances of risk of death due to COVID at various stages of a hospital stay, including a 80 percent accuracy whether a patient with COVID will require a respirator. The Joint AI Center has a double-announcement, with the Tradewind Initiative, which seeks to develop an acquisition ecosystem to speed the delivery of AI capabilities, and with Blanket Purchase Agreements for AI testing and evaluation services. Kaggle publishes a survey on the 2020 State of Data Science and ML, which examines information from ~2000 data scientists about their jobs and their experiences. PeopleTec releases an “Overhead MNIST,” a dataset containing benchmark satellite imagery for 10 categories (parking lots, cars, plans, storage tanks, and others). Epic’s Unreal Engine introduces the MetaHuman Creator for release later this year, which purports to create ultra-realistic visuals for virtual human characters; Andy uses the mome