Ai With Ai

The Rosetta Drone



In COVID-related AI news, MIT researchers have published a machine learning algorithm that can diagnose COVID-19 by the sounds of a person’s forced cough. And the US Veterans Affairs Department rolls out a machine learning tool to predict mortality rates of COVID-19 patients. In non-COVID news, the JAIC releases the Department of Defense’s AI Education Strategy, which contains a detailed description of requirements, required instruction, and competencies. DoD also releases a new electromagnetic spectrum strategy, which contains a number of machine-learning mentions. And Tesla began making available its “full self-driving beta” to a small number of “expert and careful drivers.” Research from MIT CSAIL have created a machine learning system that can reportedly decipher “lost” languages; they built it on several principles from insights into historical linguistics, such as the observation that languages generally only evolve in certain predictable ways (such as sound substitutions). In other language news, Faceb