Ai With Ai

Crime & Publishment



It’s a week of huge announcements! But first, in COVID-related AI news, Andy and Dave discuss a review paper in Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals that provides a more international focus on the role of AI and ML in COVID research. CSAIL teams with Ava Robotics to design a robot that maneuver between waypoints and disinfect surfaces of warehouses with UV-C light. Digital Transformation Institute awards $5.4M to 26 AI researchers for projects related to COVID-19. In non-COVID news, the Association for Computing Machinery calls for the immediate suspension of facial recognition technologies until more mature and reliable. US lawmakers have introduced a bill that would ban police use of facial recognition, while separate bills seek to increase the AI talent available for the Department of Defense, and work to realign and rewire the JAIC within DoD. Over 2300 researchers sign a petition to Springer Nature to reject a publication from Harrisburg University, which developed facial recognition software to predict