Mike Lenz Voice - A Journey Into Voice Acting

048 - John Florian Interview



John Florian Founder and Webmaster     If you've ever written a "personal mission" for yourself, you'll understand when John says that his mission is to "Help people succeed in life and business through creative ways of communications."   Indeed, that activates his two passions: voice-overs and publishing.   As a voice over actor, John is called back by producers who want that "warm and friendly guy" (but don't typecast yourself! warn the coaches).   And as a former editorial director/writer/marketer, John has created many business and consumer magazines and newsletters.   Now these two communication fields merge with his creation of VoiceOverXtra - the voice-over industry's online news, education and resource center.   John is also active in civic and self-improvement organizations, where he finds that "giving back" and networking continue to inspire.   Email: johnflorian@voiceoverxtra.com Web: www.VoiceOverXtra.com   For more information on this and other episodes head over to mikelenzvoice.com.