Hockey Training: Become A Better Hockey Player

5 Rules for Men's League Hockey Training - EP29



In Episode 29 of the podcast Coach Dan discusses why Men’s League programming is different than other forms of Hockey Training and outlines the 5 rules you need to follow if you want to maximize the results you get from your work in the gym. Too many athletes misrepresent the delicacy behind working with this specific demographic and aren’t sure how to manipulate the science of program design to get the best results. By the end of this episode, you will have discovered exactly what you need to do to start performing better and will have an “ace up your sleeve” that over 90% of other Men’s Leaguers out there don’t know. If you want a "done for you" hockey training program that checks all the boxes that this episode covers, head over to Hockey Training now and jump on the brand new Men’s League Annihilation Program!