Hockey Training: Become A Better Hockey Player

Super Quick Hockey Workouts - EP23



In Episode 23 of the podcast Coach Dan discusses the science and application behind creating super short hockey workouts that still drive major results.       In this episode you will be walked through two ground-breaking studies in sports science that acted like a catalyst for new ways of thinking about what could be possible for hockey players to accomplish within a timeframe of less than 10 minutes. By training the right exercises at the right intensities, you can create MASSIVE gains in conditioning, power, strength, and speed out on the ice with absolutely no equipment in less than the time it takes to you to drive to the gym. If you want a "done for you" super quick hockey workout program that makes sure you check all the boxes when it comes to you taking your performance to a whole new level in the fastest way possible, make sure you check out the 9-Minute Hockey Trainer over at and get started today.