Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 226 - Hall of Fame | Akshar Patel - Dropping 70lbs & Changing His Life



A few months before Akshar started his RNT Journey in May 2020 during a fire drill he had to carry his daughter and puppy down several flights of stairs. He was shocked and surprised that what should have been a routine and simple activity felt so hard. That was the first of the two alarm bells that went off in his head.  The second alarm bell was less of a shocker, but the long-term effect on the quality of his life really drove the point home. During park dates with his then 1-year-old daughter, he was barely able to keep up with her as she explored. He was self-conscious when he noticed that other fathers were able to keep going while he simply could not.  That became the trigger for Akshar to start a remarkable journey which saw him drop 70lbs, and most importantly, gain the energy, strength, and vitality to be the best possible father and husband for his family. Akshar transformed his body and life, and is using the physical as the vehicle, and in this podcast, he discusses just how far he’s come.