Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 219 - Why The Second Diet Is Always Easier



One question I get on a regular basis is: will it always be this hard? Will every time you try to tighten the ship or get into even better shape be as hard as the first time? The answer is no, if you do the first time properly. The time you start your journey is always hard because you have zero foundation in place. No education on training, nutrition, mindset, and no structure or lifestyle solutions to make it seamless. That’s why it can feel so restrictive at the beginning, because you are using a lot of bandwidth and thinking, trying to get it all done. The good news is, if you do the first time properly, the second, third or fourth time is always exponentially easier. I know each time I’ve dieted for a competition or photoshoot, it’s been easier every time. Why? Because I’ve got the foundations in place. That means I can be flexible, eat more intuitively and not even think about what I’m doing – it just runs as a way of life. This takes time, effort and lots and lots of learning about what works for yo