Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 214 - The Surprising Power Of Playing The Piano w/ Mark Deeks



Mark Deeks, otherwise known as #ThatPianoGuy, is on a mission to get one million people playing piano. He’s a best selling author, piano coach and mental health advocate. He has spent more than 20 years working as a musical director, pianist, arranger and teacher, and has built a really diverse group of musicians as a client base. From artists such as Faye Tozer of Steps to black metal bands Winterfylleth (a band Mark ended up joining!) and Drudkh. He has given Lenny Henry piano lessons, and written versions of songs by metal stars Sonata Arctica for symphony orchestra and choir.And on this episode of #RNTFitnessRadio, Mark comes on to describe why playing the piano can be a vehicle to improving so many aspects of your health, fitness and wellbeing, and all the surprising benefits that come with it. “We like to make a living out of something we enjoy.”. - Mark Deek   Timestamps: 00:00 – Intro  00:10 – History of Piano  02:28 – What’s the world of music to Mark  06:25 – The joy and the element of surpris