Not The Typical Mom Show With Stefani Reinold: Down To Earth Discussions About The Not So Typical But All Too Common Issue

58- How to Raise Body Positive Children with Leslie Bloch and Zoe Bisbing of the Full Bloom Project



Is it possible to raise children who have a neutral relationship with their bodies? Is it possible to raise children who don't define their self-worth with how they look? How can we raise the next generation of children to look beyond appearances? Well, this week, I talk with the ladies behind the Full Bloom Project, Leslie Bloch and Zoe Bisbing. Their mission is to equip parents with facts and weight science to better nurture children's growing body so that children can fully bloom into who they were created to be. In this interview, we discuss: Why it's so hard to raise body positive children Small steps that every parent can make-- no matter the age of the child How to get rid of comparisons as a parent What does "the full bloom project" mean and so much more! It's Not About the Food.... SO, WHAT'S IT ABOUT?>> Free mini-class sign up here. CONNECT WITH ZOE & LESLIE: Full Bloom Project- Full Bloom Project Instagram: @fullbloomproject CONNECT WITH DR. REINOLD: Courses: Online Courses Instagram: @stefa