Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 207 - Hall of Fame | Bijal Kara - Building Self-Love, Self-Care & Self-Mastery



With so much talk around macros, calories and training, what’s often forgotten is that transformation is holistic, and encompasses shifting your behaviour, mindset and identity with everything. How we are now is a result of our behaviour, mindset and identity in the past. It’s a cumulation of action, positive and negative, that leads us here. To change this is hard. It requires introspection – to identify the muck, then action – to work through it and cause the shift. For Bijal, she’d always struggled with food, and her relationship with it. With it came diminishing confidence and a struggle to find her own identity. Since starting her journey at the start of 2020, Bijal’s been able to reclaim herself. She found her why, she started to generate the strive from within that was previously so difficult, and she wanted to use the physical as the vehicle to achieve something great for herself. In a recent reflection by her, she said: “Whilst the grind had been one of the toughest mentally, physically and emoti