Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 179 - #AuthenticAF P5 | Grapefruit Oil & The Arms Race



On the final episode of #AuthenticAF before Christmas, we talk all about the wonderful fat loss benefits of grapefruit oil, how to gain 3 inches in four weeks, and other ludacris claims spouted by some of the most popular magazines out there at the moment. We then dive more into realistic rates of muscle gain, how to keep performance at the forefront of your mind during building phases, and why gaining body fat is a necessity to build muscle. “Without that stimulus the surplus is just making you fat.” - Ed Pilkington   Timestamps: 00:00 – Intro 1:52  – Magazines and false expectations 7:45 – Clever magazine titles 10:49 – Myth: Hormone CCK 11:37 – Myth: A cold bottle of beer can help you lower heart disease  12:44 – Cherry picking studies 14:04 – Oils to help your gut through massage 17:20 – Essential oil placebo 19:50 – Focusing on real change rather than a quick fix 21:55 – Unrealistic expectations on muscle gain 26:28 – Tell tale signs someone is on gear 27:59 – Illusion of looking bigger when you’re l