Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 159 - What’s Missing In The Fitness Industry



Purpose is everything. Being a purpose driven business transforms the way you think, act and behave in business. Sadly, very few people and businesses in the fitness industry are purpose driven. They all want to “help people”, yet snake oil marketing for quick fixes – aimed and clients and coaches alike, has left the industry broken and void of all genuine purpose. Ego has prevailed, and it’s become dog eat dog. From a quick stat check, the fitness industry has an astonishing 80% turnover rate, meaning so many talented coaches are leaving our industry every year. Why? Because there’s no stability, security or progression. Coaches are expected to be business owners, and can’t do what they love – create impact and transform lives. Without turning this into a rant, let’s get into the episode today, where I’m joined by our Business Manager, Puja Teli, who comes on to offer her objective view on the fitness industry, why it’s broken, and most importantly of all, our first step to transforming it. Without further a