Punching Cardboard

Episode 136 -- All The Moogs



It's Summertime! Here's something for a long drive in a rented car or a lazy afternoon at the beach. MILEAGE: 00:09:57 -- Dusting Off The Shelves: Argent: The Consortium (Session) 00:27:47 -- Quartermaster General: 1914 00:33:54 -- Tigres & Euphrates 00:39:47 -- A Midsummer Night's Questions 01:06:27 -- Music: Rolling Blackouts CF, Gaz Coombes, Kamasi Washington 01:39:58 -- GLOW 01:42:21 -- A Little Light Non-fiction: Apollo8, Seabiscuit, Ben Franklin 01:43:57 -- Bios Megafauna, 2nd Edition (in-depth)