Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 140 - Hall of Fame | Tom Bridges – How To Break The Dieting Cycle Forever



The reward phase, where you’re in the shape of your life, for life, is where everyone would like to skip to from the beginning. But few reach it for one of two reasons: –  A failed consolidation phase, so they rebound after their first time getting into shape and fall into the trap of yo-yo dieting. – Insufficient time spent in the investment phase, so they don’t build any muscle mass, or develop a change in their mindset, identity and behaviour. This causes either stagnation, or worse yet, a slow demise back to the starting point. Today’s guest on RNT Fitness Radio, Tom Bridges, didn’t make any of these mistakes this time around when he first started with RNT in June 2017.  For years, Tom had been trying to get in shape. With high cholesterol, poor blood markers and a lifestyle of heavy drinking, fast food and long working hours, he knew his efforts were going to waste. He was the classic programme-hopping Monday to Thursday dieter who struggled with yo-yoing, lethargy and poor body confidence.  Ever s