Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 127 - Hall of Fame | Puja Teli - How She Transformed Her Mind, Body & Life To Create Her Version 2.0



On this week’s episode of #RNTFitnessRadio, I’m joined by Puja Teli, who’s completely transformed her mind, body and life through the RNT Journey so far. After you finish listening to this episode, make sure you read her case study in full, which I’ve linked in the show notes today.  25kg lost in bodyweight is what you see, but 25kg destroyed in scars, battles and baggage is what you don’t see.  This journey is never just about the physical. The physical is the vehicle. Watching Puja transform herself inside and out has been truly incredible. Starting 16 months ago, she’s used the coaching and accountability that underpins the RNT Journey to shed the skin of her old behaviours, mindset and identity, regain control of her life, and build her confidence from the ground up. She’s a new woman in every sense, and in this episode, we go through her “why”, uncovering the “muck”, the parallels of the journey to Hinduism, and also how she shifted from not only being a client, but to our Business Manager too.