Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 126 - The Art Of Coaching, Meditation & Journaling



Today we dive into the topic of coaching, meditation, journaling and why the physical is the vehicle. We start off by digging into the differences between PT’ing and online coaching, and why the latter requires so much more thought, strategy and focus, as well how in many cases, they’re not even comparable in practice. We then shift gears into discussing why a productive Investment phase with solidified 3S’s, rules, and routines can give you the vehicle benefits many experience in the Grind, all year round! I know for myself nailing my 3S’s year round, and placing a high value in my training means I’m able to perform at a high level in all that I do, and I attribute this all to the process of focusing on the physical. We finish up on discussing Elliot’s meditation practices, and why it gives him so much grounding in the day, while comparing notes on journaling, and how it’s been such a game changer for us both. This is a great conversation that is jam packed full of value, and I’m excited for you to dive