Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 121 - Hall of Fame | Amit Lakhani - Peace Be The Journey



Welcome back to another episode of RNT Fitness Radio, and today I’m joined by RNT’er Amit Lakhani, who shares his incredible story of using the physical as the vehicle to completely transform his life. For years, Amit was suffering from low body confidence, paralysis by analysis, and stuck in what he called a cycle of consumption. In the middle of 2019, Amit decided enough was enough, and he wanted to make a change. In the six months since, Amit has lost over 15kg, marked his first Transformation Checkpoint, consolidated perfectly, and is now deep into an Investment phase. In this episode, we discuss in depth his why, his why behind his why, the power of the weekly check in, visualisation, and why the Grind should really be titled, ‘peace be the journey’.  ‘’Everything has to be through the physical, that is our key through the door, so if I can enhance my physical, then surely I can do deeper in the spiritual’  –  Amit Lakhani   Timestamps: 1:05 – Post shoot 2:03 – The consolidation 4:22 – Episode