Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 109 - Babies, Buckets, Snowflakes & Christmas Strategies



Welcome back to another episode of RNT Fitness Radio, and today we’ve got the entire team on the show as we cover some topics we’ve been itching to record about over the past few months. We start off by talking about parenting strategies with new dads Mulla and Pilko, with Shaneeta chipping in with her sage advice. We then shift gears and talk about individual bucket capacities, something I’ll let you hear more about from Kevin later on! After discussing how to prevent your bucket from overflowing, we reveal the latest special snowflake stories, and delve into the best strategies to navigate around the Christmas period. The Christmas chat posed some interesting questions around behaviour, identity and lifestyle solutions, and why this journey can’t ever be anything less than a year to be truly transformative in the long term. We finish up this episode talking about our best tips for starting the new decade the right way. So without further ado, let’s dive in…  ‘’No one eats 15 mars bars a day, bec