Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep. 106 - Using The Physical As The Vehicle To Transform Your Life



Welcome back to another episode of RNT Fitness Radio, and today I’m joined by Shaneeta Malik. Shaneeta’s been a coach for over ten years, is one of our first RNT Mastermind graduates, and if you’re familiar with our Seven Faces of Online Coaching, is a master of knowing when to wear which face for different client personalities and scenarios. As a mother of two, she’s an advocate of making life time changes that benefit the family as a whole, and this episode she shares great insight on how to best transform your body and change your life while navigating around the unpredictable schedules of young children. Shaneeta lives and breathes our mission of using the physical as a vehicle to transform your life, and it was her own experiences, her why, and what she benefitted from in her own change that sparked her decision to enter the world of body transformation. If you’re ready to take control, overcome your obstacles and wake up every day knowing you’re doing your best, mentally and physically, for you